Sunday 20 May 2012

how to survive the second night in minecraft

first when the light of day comes it should be safe to go out but keep one thing in mind fear the dark mobs can spawn in dark places so build some torches and cover the dark spots so after that now you need a weapon a sword is for attack and defence or the axe because it does not as much damage to the enemy than the sword but it can chop down trees faster and is a weapon so it is the most beneficial and there are

lots of other tools like the hoe it can make nice farm land second is the shovel it is obvious what that does it digs faster third is the pick axes which mines faster and is required to mine up minerals and the last two is the sword and axe but the different materials makes the tool last longer and do its job faster well there is the basics on the tools WAIT i forgot something the bow and arrow it is for ranged attacks for people that like

high places or hunting down enemy's from afar well that is it WAIT again you need armour for protection different materials makes the armour more damage resistant well that is actually it yes i am not going to say WAIT again enjoy your survival ? :0

Wednesday 2 May 2012

call of duty modern warfare 3

this week i am going to review call of duty modern warfare 3
call of duty modern warfare 3 is based of call of duty modern warfare 2 and the Russians are attacking every where like France, America London etc. and they destroy the big benny and the ifle tower and i don't

know who you play as i can't remember but you have to destroy or stop the Russian war and the multilayer is probably the only part that keeps call of duty alive because you can't play cooperative on the campain and

the mulitplayer is my favourite part and the only part that does not bore me after but it got boring very fast i ended up get the best weapons and perks so my dad took it back but over all i give it a 7.5/10 rubber chickens. enjoy :() :-)

please tell friends

hey guys who are reading this please tell your friends about this blog because i need this blog to spread across the web and the more people there are the more reviews i do oh and i am playing some games right now which are avatar the game, fallout new vages, fallout 3 and more