Sunday 22 April 2012

5 blogs that i have looked at.

hey guys i have been looking around at other blogs and i have come across a blog called invalid designs where they have some cool backgrounds, slogans and pictures i like the backgrounds the most i love special effects and games but it is still good but i don't think all the pictures they make are acturly there work but anyway the pictures are still good here is there title and link :

hey guys here's another blog about drift trikes and it is cool and the posts they have on boards are cool, they have some cool boards i am not much of a fan with drift trikes but it is still cool and the back ground is cool but the info they put up is not that helpful and they say buy this and this but i don't know why but it is still good to look at here's a picture and link:

hey guys here's another blog about music and it has cool things on it but i don't like dubstep too chessy but they still have some cool music and the stuff they have on it is cool i don't know anything else to say here's a link and picture:

Sunday 15 April 2012

Halo 3 ODST review

this week i am going to review halo 3 ODST
in ODST you play as the recruit and you are apart of a squad that was supposed to drop pod on a covernet ship but it go's into a slip space jump and it released an EMP blast which scatered you and your team and you get knock out by another drop pod and a cupple of days later you wake up and your on top of a building and you start of like every other halo with you having to look at the pod emergency excape buttions and then you have to do a serieses of missions around new monbasa and you can find secret garages where you can find vehicles and weapons.

when you go to the objective/mission you go in a strange flash back and you become another member of your team at a different time oh i forgot to tell you that there are patrols serching the city so ya there is alot in the game but the weapons that you get run out of ammo quickly and the wourst part is the silencer do's not work if you shoot an enemy they will all come for you so RUN! or if you are pro at tactical counter-assault you will either take them head on or you will take cover and flank and dodge in coming fire and granades

now the multiplayer is a firefight game where you must survive as long as posibal mostly funner with friends from none stop enemys i give it a 9/10 rubber chickens.

Halo anniversary review

this week i am going to review um ha well basically halo 1
now i know that it is halo anniversary but it is halo 1 with updated graphics and you can switch back to the

halo 1 classic game graphics by pressing the back button which looks like the start button and if you have a kinect you can use voice commands and if you say Anallise it will show you the details and info of what ever

is dead or still alive around you now the game is amazing halo anniversary shows the world how to make a remake of a game the game play is fun the multiplayer links to halo reach the controls are great the co-op is funnier than ever and the guns look amazing i give i a 9.5/10 rubber chickens

halo 2 review

Halo 3 review

This week i am going to review HALO 3
well halo 3 now thats a game that lasted a long time halo3 still is played to day it was considered another game of the year but to many call of duty players said halo sucks but they could not admit it deservers the game of the year but any way just befor i tell you the halo game play and the review and stuff halo3 has right

now 228 Million players on halo now that is alought of players suck that call of duty now for the review halo is know to be the best and longest game to live it was rated 5 stars for graghics, art, gameplay and the part i like forge mode where you can create your very own map wow the hud display of halo3 is also cool and the

weapons are awsome the campain will keep you entertained for a wile well i played the halo3 campain for about 5 years and i didn't have xbox live and my old account was lost when i transfered to my new xbox so i had to make a new account which was not bad because i still have all my skill so i owned the campain and it was the best game i have ever played besides all the other halos i give it a 10/10 rubber chikens.

deus ex human revolution review

This week i am going to review Deus Ex human revolution
Deus Ex human revolution is about a ex-swat (adam jension) that has been hired as a security cheif and there was a attack at sarif industries and adam was fattaly injurded and had to be augmented to save his life and now he is a bad guy kicking high tech toster with samariy blades that ownes allmost any thing and the graphics are high qualty and my favourite parts are stealth where you can make enemys unconchense

and you can steel what ever they are caraing and drag them out of sight from enemys and be like bat man also you can buy weapons from merchents and get silencers on sirten weapons like the 10mm pistol (the 10mm pistol is the best weapon for ammo damage rate of fire)

oh and you can get upgrades like rate of fire reload speed. the game has 3 main tactics stealth which is my favourite full on assault and path making oh and you can get augmentashion upgrades and unlock more augmentashions and there are lots of other things to tell you but no spoilers okey I give it a 8.5/10 rubber chickens.

team fortress 2 review

This week i am going to review team fortress 2
Team fortress 2 is a first person hahaha shooter unlike most first person shooters this is a funnier version it is recomended if you are looking for a good graphics game and it has a bot mode like i said before most valve
games have bots for people who don't have fast internet any way in Team fortress 2 you start of with all the normal weapons but valve adds more weapons of fun all most every month and hats are rare but you can find/unlock these weapons by mainly playing and you get them unexpectly but you can also buy these
weapons from the shop aka Team fortress 2 shop and buy them with real money but there are also trials for these weapons some of them oh and team fortress 2 is free but you can't trade unless you buy a item from team fortress 2 shop is the best because it is cheaper but other people like friends that bought the game can trade you items to give you a head start in the game i give it a 8.5/10 rubber chickens.

counterstrike source review

This week i am going to review counter-strike source
counter-strike source is not a campain game it is a multiplayer game where you can chose to be terrourists
or counter-terrourists. Terrourists need to ither kill all the counter-terrourists or plant a bomb in a bomb area. Counter-terrourists must kill all the terrourists or disarm the bomb and in the game you can buy

weapons and eqipment at the start of a game and if you die you can buy your weapons again but you have a limited amount of money if you run out of money you get some from kills or at the end of a game. The other great part about counter-strike source is that in almost all valve multiplayer games there are bots you can set

to play offline so you can get practis or if you have not much internet you can just use a little bit of internet to start a game so you can connect to the server i think that this is one of the best multiplayer games i have ever played and it is the number1 game for teamwork and tactics unlike counter-strike1 the graphics are better i give it a 9.5/10 rubber chickens.

Mass effect 3 review

This week i am going to review mass effect 3
mass effect 3 is a sequle to mass effect 2 and the reapers are coming to dominat the unervers and sheperd has to stop them first when you start the game you have to make your own face for your charictar and then

you are put in to this 3 selection where it has action, story, and a classic mass effect action is based more on just killing every thing in you path story is more about the chooseing the diolect and what the charecter says and less fighting classic is about in between you choose what to say in classic and you get to kick alot of bad

guys and that is the normal way to play mass effect but the screen is very orqered and close like you can't see any thing on the left but it is very funny how the adermal run he is like a girl i give it a 7.5/10 rubber chickens.

Minecraft review

This week i am going to review Minecraft.
It is a game about a man being spawned in a random generated world and his goal is to suvive by building

mainly a house out of wood then using wood to make a crafting table and the list just go's on and on like you get wood and then you go build a pickacs then mine for stone the build a oven to cook food and forever and the music is butiful and the world is just amasing and it started from one man too a team and they just made

the game even more amasing I personaly like the game but it does get a bit boring after a wile I give it a 9 out of 10 rubber chickens.