Sunday 15 April 2012

Mass effect 3 review

This week i am going to review mass effect 3
mass effect 3 is a sequle to mass effect 2 and the reapers are coming to dominat the unervers and sheperd has to stop them first when you start the game you have to make your own face for your charictar and then

you are put in to this 3 selection where it has action, story, and a classic mass effect action is based more on just killing every thing in you path story is more about the chooseing the diolect and what the charecter says and less fighting classic is about in between you choose what to say in classic and you get to kick alot of bad

guys and that is the normal way to play mass effect but the screen is very orqered and close like you can't see any thing on the left but it is very funny how the adermal run he is like a girl i give it a 7.5/10 rubber chickens.

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