Sunday 17 June 2012

I got the yogscast videos

if you did not notice i got the yogscast videos of the mincraft it is a tab at the top of the page so don't miss it enjoy : )

hiphip haray SPYZAC GAMES has gotten 1,000 page views

i will do something special for the blog soon

Monday 11 June 2012


this week i am going to review HALO 4
YES i have being waiting almost FOREVER lets start with multiplayer the character customisation is even more advanced and funnier hey guys you also play in the mark 4 armour any way i also know that 343 is
putting a story in the multiplayer with the red vs blue i also have 3 top secret maps but i can remember the names of them but there is a map of a unsc base constructing a massive mec then there is a forruner place and i can't remember the other but i also know that 343 is upgrading the ragdoll phsics and the graphics now the campain is about the master chief being in cryo for however long and now the humans
have the coolest stuff ever and the master cheif is a cool looking super solider and now he is awesome's the weapons are the coolest now 343 has really made a good first impression on making halo and it is the best looking game ever well i am being a bit harsh on halo 3 but it was the best game for um how long oh like 5 or 6 years and halo 3 had like millions playing um this picture says

how to survive the third night in minecraft

well i already told you the weapons and the armour and how to get started now you can go and kill or mine for better minerals to get better equip better swag now if you go kill you can find caverns now they are scary there better have torches to light your path and stop more mobs from spawning and when you get deep
down to hell and i am not talking about the neather i mean the other hell you know the one with lots and lots of mobs and they all want your brains and i don't know about you but i like my brains in my brain box (which means skull) and there is no turning back so it is die trying and if you die try not to drown in lava it is not nice and there is no way to get your stuff back then :( and if you manage to kill them all which is like 25% out of 75% if you have horibal equipment so good luck and if you get away from death try to get back to your home. :)

Minecraft armour for the latest

diamond armour mark 1, type d the diamond armour is the most protective even if it is a bit heavy you can run as fast in it compared to the leather armour

Sunday 3 June 2012

Minecraft mobs

1.      The creeper if it gets close it will explode and make a crater in the ground and will kill you or hurt you a lot what weapon you should use is the bow and arrow because it is ranged.

2.      The skeletons are archers and they keep their distance while putting arrows in you ranged or sword attack.

3.      Slimes are hard to hit with an arrow but if they get close they will jump on your head and suffocate you the best weapon is a sword

4.   The zombies they will eat you precarious brains so any weapon is great against them oh and I forgot to put this in the other things but you could make some traps as well and by the way zombies can break down wooden doors so an iron door is good to keep out zombies and anything else that wants to kill you.

5.   zombie pig men are like zombies except if you hurt them they will kill you but if you leave them alone they will not hurt you back (only found in the nether)

6. the ghast is a strange mob it hovers around and makes a scary noise and it shoots balls of fire (only found in the nenther)