Sunday 3 June 2012

Minecraft mobs

1.      The creeper if it gets close it will explode and make a crater in the ground and will kill you or hurt you a lot what weapon you should use is the bow and arrow because it is ranged.

2.      The skeletons are archers and they keep their distance while putting arrows in you ranged or sword attack.

3.      Slimes are hard to hit with an arrow but if they get close they will jump on your head and suffocate you the best weapon is a sword

4.   The zombies they will eat you precarious brains so any weapon is great against them oh and I forgot to put this in the other things but you could make some traps as well and by the way zombies can break down wooden doors so an iron door is good to keep out zombies and anything else that wants to kill you.

5.   zombie pig men are like zombies except if you hurt them they will kill you but if you leave them alone they will not hurt you back (only found in the nether)

6. the ghast is a strange mob it hovers around and makes a scary noise and it shoots balls of fire (only found in the nenther)

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